Letter Colors
Letter Finishes
Acrylic Colors

Colors shown are only an approximation of actual acrylic sheet colors.

Letter Visibility Chart

Viewing Distance Minimum Required Letter Height
30 m 10 cm
75 m 25 cm
110 m (city block) 40 cm
150 m 55 cm
225 m 80 cm
305 m 110 cm

This letter visibility chart has been made for you based upon information provided by Pennsylvania Transportation Institute, Penn State University and the United States Sign Council (USSC). c1998 Calculations based on externally (or naturally) lit sign with all upper case Helvetica letters utilizing optimal negative space. Factors that may affect required letter size are: color scheme, font selection, traffic and weather conditions, or sign standoff. Please refer to the complete study for additional information.

Installation Method: Wired Spacer Mounting

This method is the most popular and secure method available. Installation patterns available and highly recommended for easy install. Simply drill holes, fill with 100% pure silicone and screw the letter in the wall. Wired spacers are randomly placed, patterns are needed for each set of letters ordered.

Available for:

Metal Sign Letters
Channel Sign Letters
Flat-Cut Metal Letters
Wired Spacer Mounting

Installation Method: Stud Mounting

This method is highly secure. Installation patterns available and highly recommended for easy install. Simply drill holes, fill with 100% pure silicone and slide in letters. Studs are randomly placed, patterns are needed for each set of letters ordered.

Available for:

Metal Sign Letters
Channel Sign Letters
Flat-Cut Metal Letters
Stud Mounting

Installation Method: Stud Mount With Nuts

Stud mount with nuts can be used in many ways. If you can access the wall behind the letters you can use the nuts behind the wall to secure the letters. Also, if you have a corrugated balding you can use the nuts on the studs to stand the letters off the wall in the low spots. Use Stud mount with spacers for for flat non corrugated walls. Studs are randomly placed, patterns are needed for each set of letters ordered.

Available for:

Aluminum Letters
Brass Letters
Stainless Steel Letters
Stud Mount With Nuts


Installation patterns are recommended for stud mount installations and are available from us. (If you have 2 signs you need 2 patterns)

Tools Needed:

1) Masking Tape
2) Level
3) Drill & Drill Bit
4) Tube of Silicone

1) Tape one edge of the Installation pattern to the installation surface with masking tape and unroll it. Level the pattern and tape the other edge to the installation surface.

2) Punch and drill holes approximately 7 cm deep where indicated on your template (mark the holes wherever you want). Remove the template and clean out all drill holes (a puff of air through a straw works well).

3) Fill the drill holes in the wall of the first letter with silicone.

4) Push the tube of silicone over each stud on the first letter in order to evenly coat it with adhesive.

5) Push the letter into the drill holes, flush mount or use a shim to assure the proper standoff of the letter from the wall and use masking tape to hold the letter onto the wall while the silicone dries. Repeat steps 3 through 5 for the rest of the letters.

You can follow the same installation process for signs with wired spacers.

How to avoid common INSTALLATION problems

  • Studs are randomly placed, patterns are needed for each set of letters ordered.
  • Check installation template (mounting pattern) before leaving the shop.
  • Verify all boxes and letters have been delivered before leaving the shop.
  • Center and level template on mounting surface.
  • Clean surface thoroughly before using 100% silicone.
  • Blow all debris from holes after drilling (stud or combination mount).
  • Check letter orientation to avoid upside down characters.
  • Use only top quality materials (silicone, tape, etc.).
Trim Colors
Wired Spacer mount

Wired Spacer mount

Wired spacers are soldered to return.Wired spacers are ideal for using LED lighting systems. This is the default mounting method for fabricated letters.
Steel removable back

Steel removable back

Steel removable backs are manual cut to fit within the inside of the return for a perfect fit. Brackets are welded to the removable back. This method is ideal for channel letters.
Stud mount

Stud mount

Thin metal straps slightly recessed into back and soldered to return. Stud soldered to strap. The strap helps strengthen returns of letter. Not for use with LED lighting systems as shadowing may occur.

Strap mount

Thin metal straps slightly recessed into back and soldered to return. The strap helps strengthen returns of letter. Also you can add double sided tape over the straps or silicone and glue them directly to the surface. Not for use with LED lighting systems or on letters over 20 cm tall.